Steve Harvey Says, "Find A Balance In Your Life"

Steve Harvey talks the importance of balance when it comes to success. Often times we don't have our priorities in order and we sit back and wonder why we aren't successful.

Take mental inventory on where God, your family and your business ranks in your life. If you don't have God first, family second and your business last, you are placing yourself at an extreme disadvantage. If you're not where you want to be and find yourself constantly trying more time to "chill," then you are putting yourself at an extreme disdvantage.

Being successful takes a lot of hard work. It takes a lost of sacrifice, but most importantly it takes having your priorities in order. Get your priorities in order and don't stop until you get to where you want to be.

Take a listen as Unc talks how balance has helped him on his route to success.

See faith without works is dead. Anything is possible! Get your priorities in order and realize balance is key.

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