Steve Harvey Wants You To Know That Quitting Is NOT An Option

None of us are exempt from feeling discouraged. However, what you must understand is that discouragement is simply part of your growth process. It is a test. A test of your faith, of how bad you want it and if you really believe in the promises that God has placed on your heart. The only difference between those that "make it" or who pursue their wildest dreams and those who don't, is that they decided not to give up. They tapped into their faith. The faith of believing in things that they cannot see. What say you? Are you ready to be great? Are you ready to live your best life? Are you ready to become everything that you've ever dreamed of?

In this installment of Daily Inspiration, Steve talks how "discouragement sometimes is tough to deal with," but how you must remember that it's not absolute. The only thing absolute in life is death. If you ain't dead, that means you're still alive and it's possible. It's possible because you have 86,400 chances every day to achieve your dreams because there are 86,400 seconds in every day. 

Unc wants you to "keep the faith and keep moving...keep working, keep believing [and] keep hope alive" because it's possible!

Take a listen:

Believe in yourself and never give up!

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