The Crew Shares Excuses In Order to Avoid Going to the Gym

The Steve Harvey Morning Show is more than a resource for music. It's also a prime place to help you find reasons to avoid things you hate doing, like going to the gym. It's tough when bae isn't putting up with anymore of your procrastinate, but the only sweat you want to break is while you're eating a Popeyes spicy chicken sandwich. Well, hopefully these tricks will come in handy.

Nephew Tommy refuses to allow the strenuous walk from his car to the doors defeat the purpose of even going to the gym, so he'd rather just go back home. He also decided to accept his fat instead of fighting it. Uncle Steve doesn't see it necessary if he's not as fat as his other gym-goers. The raw sweaty smell doesn't do it any favors either. J. Anthony Brown isn't to playing when it comes on to his asthma, and it's super convenient that it only kicks in as soon as he heads to the work out center.

If you can't relate to any of this reasons, we've got plenty more for you. So don't give in to that peer pressure. If the gym isn't your happy place, just don't go!

I mean, summer IS already over. What's the point now?

Click the podcast below for more!

Photo: Getty

Bye-Bye, Abs & Hello, Dad Bod!

Gym memberships are on the decline because 'dad bods' are on the rise 😌

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