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"I'm Not Physically Attracted To Him"


While looks aren't everything, they sure mean something. What do you do if your mate has everything you're looking for from a personality perspective, but as far as looks wise, you want to run for the hills?

Take a look at this Strawberry Letter where one woman is conflicted if she should stay with a man who checks off everything she wants quality wise, but looks...ehhh not so much.

Dear Steve and Shirley,

I am a 40 year old female,  no kids and never been married. I've been dating a man for two months and he's a great guy that's consistent, thoughtful and a hard worker. He has all of the qualities I'm looking for in a mate. But here's my problem, I'm not physically attracted to him. He's a little overweight and he's really shy. We have a decent enough time together when we go out, but he's not very talkative so I do most of the talking. He's already telling me that he loves me and that he knows my feelings aren't the same for him yet. He has been talking about marriage and I told him that he was moving too fast for me. I feel like I'm just going through the motions because I like the companionship. I am trying hard to feel butterflies or some kind of attraction to him, but there's nothing there. I was told that I should be with someone who loves me more than I love him. Is this true? How could he be in love with me after only two months? If I continue to date him, will I eventually want to have sex with him? Will I ever love him as much as he loves me or should I end this now so he doesn't end up getting hurt? Please help.

That's a tough one. Perhaps if she can't love him like he deserves, she should just leave him alone, right?

Take a listen to see what Shirley and Steve have to say:

Photo: Getty Images