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The Steve Harvey Mentoring Camp For Young Men

It's that time again! Each Father's Day weekend, Steve Harvey hosts The Steve Harvey Mentoring Program For Young Men.

SHMP was "designed to share and teach the principles of manhood. The mentoring program helps young men realize their potential and envision & prepare for a strong productive future. SHMP aims to break the misguided traits of manhood and introduce positive role models who provide positive examples of manhood."

Look at Unc right there greeting the young men as they arrive to the mentoring program.

If there is one thing that Steve wants to instill in these young men, it's the principle of respect.

And we all know that respect can take you very far in life.

In preparation of the class of 2018, Steve posts a video of him seasoning his ribs.

By the looks of it, it looks like they have something great going on and it's no secret that Unc is putting his vegan lifestyle on hold!   

If you or someone you know has a young man that needs mentoring, visit

We must save our young men! Our future depends on it!