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Baby Born in Chic-Fil-A To Get Free Food For Life

The question has always been what comes first, the chicken or the egg? Well in this case, it was the baby!

A Chic-Fil-A in San Antonio, TX made history when a couple gave birth to a beautiful baby girl they are calling "Little Nugget." 

The couple, Robert and Falon Griffin were on their way to the hospital when they stoped by a Chic-Fil-A parking off to drop of their older kids with a family member. Before the parents-to-be could leave, Falon's contractions got more intense and she needed to use the bathroom. Although they were closed, the manager was kind enough to let her in. Just before she could reach the restroom, "little nugget" decided she was coming right then and there.

With his thinking cap on, the manager called 911 and Falon's hubby, Robert, jumped into action. 

“I stopped [the baby] at her shoulders because I saw what looked to be a white collar around her neck… It was the [umbilical] cord that had been wrapped around her neck twice.” 

Not only did Robert deliver his daughter, but he also saved her life. Good thinking pops! Little Gracey Griffin was born happy and healthy.

In honor of her "surprise visit," Chic-Fil-A has promised that Gracey will receive free food for the rest of her life and a guaranteed job when she's 14.

PHOTO: Getty Images