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The Crew Shares Embarrassing Walk-In Sex Stories


Probably the most embarrassing thing a parent can go through is having your kid walk in when you're having sex. Between innocence being ruined and hesitation to explain the unexplainable, it's hard to imagine who suffered the worst.

Kelly Ripa, of Ryan and Kelly, shared a recent moment she was was being intimate with her husband which led to her daughter's life being absolutely turned upside down - and it's all because someone didn't knock and the other didn't lock the door. As your can imagine, that welcomed the opportunity for our hosts to let us into their personal lives. And what's more personal than the bedroom?

Uncle Steve admitted to walking in on his aunt and uncle when he was younger. Luckily for him, his youth was slightly preserved because their physique made it pretty hard to make out what was even happening.

Unfortunately, the same couldn't be said about Junior. He was only 8-years-old when he screamed in horror at his mother and father's "loving time," but let's be clear, his scream was more out of confusion.

"I busted out crying at my daddy, 'You said you would never hurt her!' Then my momma had the nerve to come and talk to me...I said, 'Y'all was in there and he was hurting you!"

Nephew Tommy talked about a time he and his wife went straight into acrobat mode the way they jumped off the bed after their son walked up on them.

"I didn't know her and I could dive the way we dove when he walked through that door. We became airborne. He never saw nothing because we was airborne...We [had] hurt something when we landed, but we dove."

Out of everyone, it seemed like Carla Ferrell had the worst of the vulnerable situation. The time her daughter walked in right after she and her husband finished was paralyzing. Not just out of shock, but...well, who has the energy to jump out of bed after a "work out?" *chuckles*

Check out the humiliating confessions below!

Photo: Getty