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Subject: My Man Says I Went From WAP To HAP

Subject: My Man Says I Went From WAP To HAP
Dear Steve and Shirley,
I’m a 30-year-old mother with 3 children. My children’s father and I have been together over 10 years so let me say this before you bash me… he has asked to marry me him several times and I respectfully declined because we need to go to therapy before we get married. Here’s why… My confidence is at an all-time low because my children’s father has cheated many times. Whenever I confront him, his exact words are, “Your sex is very boring and you complain too much.” When the new Meg the Stallion and Cardi B song came out, he even joked that I’ve gone from WAP to HAP, meaning I have Horrible A$$ P. My response was, “Well I wouldn’t complain as much and would do a better job in the bedroom if you were half the man you used to be.” I’m often tired from work and running around with 3 children so he blames me for our lackluster sex life and not ever being in the mood. I’ve obliged him many nights and would just lie there, trying not to fall asleep until the sex was over. But now years later and after all the cheating, it has affected my ability to perform in the bedroom. I’ve heard it’s a mental thing but I’m not sure why I can’t get excited or in the mood. I know that if I can’t please him, he’s going to get it somewhere else. Just recently we got into a big argument and he yelled out that I have some whack a$$ kitty! He apologized a few minutes later, but this is affecting my confidence. He refuses to go to therapy, so should I take my three children and leave him?

Check out Shirley's & Steve's responses below: