Dear Steve and Shirley, I have been in my relationship for 10 years, we have a daughter together and for the most part you'd think all is well. We both have hurt each other in the past and we forgave each other. Now I trust him, but he does not trust me. For example, I am not allowed to be on social media and when I go out, he makes it hard for me to leave the house. He always wants to go out with me or he tries to alter my plans. I don’t have any friends now because he wants us to "share friends" so I can’t develop any friendships on my own. I still respect him, but I don't care about this relationship anymore. When we do have sex a couple of times a week, I don't want it. I want to pack up and go, but financially, I can't. We share the car note payments and I have to consider my daughter. I care about how my family ends up, but I want to go so bad. Don't get me wrong, he is a good man, just not for me. What should I do?
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