Good morning Steve, Carla, Shirley, and Nephew Tommy.
I will get directly to the point of the letter. My wife and I started dating in September and finally got married. We were only dating 7 months before her mother moved in with us. Mind you, her mother does not have any illness, sickness, no problems. She works everyday and has no bills, but when I mentioned to my wife that I would like to have our family and our house to ourselves she tells me my mother don’t have to go anywhere. She told me if I wanted her mother to move then I need to buy a house so she and I and our 12 year old daughter could move into. I understand that I moved from another state to be with her, she already had her own home and I moved in. So now I am being told that the only way her mother could leave if I purchased another house, but I feel as the husband I don’t get any respect, she talks to me like I’m a child and whenever she gets mad, I am degraded to the fullest extent.
Please help me I am so frustrated.
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