So, it's vividly apparent that the roads of Atlanta are protesting drivers.
First, the roads of 85 North staged a walkout in protest of cars who constantly run out of gas in the middle lane and don't turn on their blinkers so other cars run into them.
Then the Cheshire bridge railroad tracks revolted against people who don't signal before switching lanes and cut off single mothers trying to get to their second job at Waffle House. Causing folks to detour to alternative routes to get to ... whatever's on Cheshire Bridge road.
Then a group called "The Roads of 85 and 75" staged a riot that caused a chemical spill on the downtown connector that caused a temporary shut down on 75/85 North. I'm hearing that the riot was because ...
"Cars don't be merging right!" - 17th street ramp
In more recent events, it seems as though 20 westbound has staged a sit in. We are not completely sure what the sit in is for but I can tell you for certain that it may have something to do with drivers.