Hey Steve,
I am a 20 year old online student and I live with my lesbian mother and little brother. I have been living with her for almost a year now and before that I had not stayed with her since I was I think 16 but even then I did not stay with her but only a couple of months. She has been a lesbian all of my life and has this thing where she gets with women instead of taking care of her family she decides to take care of theirs. At first everything was good, she kept begging me to come live with her to help her with my little brother and all I had to do was get a job. I came here got two jobs and also got with this online university. I have had many family problems in my life so I am not as independent as I should be for my age. I have lived with so many different women and their families since I have moved with her and everytime things go wrong she wants to put me out. I do the best that I can with the resources that I have but she does in no way encourage me or tries to help me. Right now she is with a woman who has three kids and no job. I was working but got too stressed out with school and work that I left fast food and now I am trying to find a job that will fit what I am trying to get my degree in, I promise I am doing my best but she feels when things go wrong, I am to blame.
Please help.