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Steve Harvey Says, "You Have To Go To Africa"

Now that the Thanksgiving holiday is over, Steve Harvey has returned from his family trip to Botswana and Abu Dhabi. Partially for business and pleasure, Unc implores how important it is for Black people to make a trip to Africa.

"If I could suggest to people, [save] your money. You have to go to Africa. Before you leave this world you should go to Africa. You should go back to where you're from. It's a critical trip for black people." He continues, "It's like going back home to a place you've never been to."

Yes money may be tight, but save. Unc's not saying pack up your belongings right now and head on the next flight to the "Motherland." He's simply saying plan. Plan by saving. Go online and search "money saving tips" if you have to and check out the countless ways you can begin to save your money. I mean think about it, it's a continent with over 50 countries...surely you don't want to miss out on all that action!

Take a listen as Unc explains why it's so important for Black people to travel: